2024 Vacation Bible School - Unstoppable God!
Tuesday, June 25 5:00-7:30pm
Wednesday, June 26 6:30-9:00pm
Thursday, June 27 5:00-7:30pm
Friday, June 28 5:00-7:30pm
Saturday, June 29 9:00-11:30am
VBS is for recent Kindergarten graduates through 5th Grade graduates.
Please sign up to attend by completing the 2024 VBS Sign-Up Form on this page.
In addition to signing up, each child must have an Annual 2023-2024 Children's Ministry Registration Form on file to attend this event.
Our VBS will take place indoors and outdoors so please have your child dressed appropriately for the weather and come with sunscreen applied (if necessary).
Registration will be open 10 minutes prior to each start time.
Children must be picked up no later than 10 minutes of the end time at the close of each day.